Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then said I, Here I am. Send Me.
- Isaiah 6:8
Cape Mesurdao, Liberia
Opening of Student Computer Lab: Zoe Louis Preparatory School
The 2018 Monrovia mission trip began with the school adoption project that was started during the 2017 season. On November 26, 2018, AIM in conjunction with the Zoe Louis Preparatory School (ZLPS) opened the student computer lab. Thirty desk-top computers were presented to the school to facilitate the education of the young boys and girls as they navigate life through this scientific and computer age. Reading books and school supplies that were donated during the 2018 Annual Breakfast Meeting were also presented to support and expand the school's current library.
It was a grand event where community pastors, the school's Board of Directors, PTA executives and other dignitaries came to grace the occasion. After the presentation, the entire school and attending guests celebrated together with AIM.
Adolescence Health & Wellness/Girls’ Education
Each mission exposes some of the causes and hurdles to spiritual and economic development among the people groups we work with. One of the biggest challenges to Liberian economy is teenage pregnancy, where "nearly 11% of girls initiate sex at ages 11-14. By age 19, about 59.1% are already mothers" (UNFPA). The risk of complications associated with pregnancy and unsafe abortion is increased for first time mothers at such young ages. In addition, poor preparation for child marriages for those who do get married, the inevitable end to their education, decline in employment options and increased likelihood of poverty facilitate the never ending cycle of hopelessness. Although our time was limited, our hearts were broken and resolved to spend time to educate and present Christ to the young girls in the community. An after-school program was organized on November 30 for the teen girls of ZLPS, where Rev. Val-Addo taught a full class of over sixty girls on the topic as stated above. The positive feedback opens a door for continued development in this area for the young girls of Liberia.
Open Air Crusades with Abundant Life Ministries
AIM partnered with Abundant Life Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Korleh to launch two open air crusades and evangelism at the Shoe Factory Community from November 28-30 and at the Chicken Soup Factory Communities from December 3-5. The theme for the Crusade was “Never Too Late to Meet Jesus.” The dedicated evangelism team of Abundant Life did an excellent job in preparing to ensure the great move of God through prayer and tract distribution to community members. We experienced the presence of the Lord with us as several soul were saved, set free and healed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Abundant Life Ministries is a growing church. The Pastor & family and the members the church are so hospitable, loving, prayerful and passionate for souls. On Sunday, December the 2, Rev. Val-Addo was offered to preach to the congregation. Having identified another obstacle to development in this community, as is true in many African communities burdened by poverty, the Lord pressed on Rev. Val-Addo's heart to speak on “Practical Ways to Overcome Poverty and Live in Abundance.” I shared six practical steps based on scripture that defies the beliefs of many Africans. The response was overwhelming, igniting a lively conversation with the church leadership about how the trap of laziness continues to cripple Liberia locally and at large.
According to history, Liberia is one of the few African countries that was never invaded during the scramble for Africa, acting as a stable country in the midst of chaos of the '40s. By the '80s, multiple civil wars and the breakout of Ebola left the country severely devastated and underdeveloped. Many charitable organizations have acknowledge the struggles of Liberia and have attempted to meet the needs of the communities through development, but there remains an absence in the aid and development offered through the good news of Jesus Christ.
The Lord opened the door for two team members of AIM to respond to the unmet needs in Liberia. During April 24-May 12, 2017, Mrs. Jefferies and Rev. Sophia traveled to Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia. Pastor Augustine Teah and his congregation, Abundant Life Outreach Ministries, hosted the team and coordinated the missionary endeavors. They worked with us tirelessly to organize and provide medical services, indoor and open air crusades, and a revival in two other churches.
Medical Missions
AIM partnered with IMA World Health to procure and purchase medical supplies and medications, including pain medications, first aid drugs, blood pressure medications, oral hydration salts, multivitamins, antibiotics and wound care supplies. Inhalation drugs for respiratory conditions, ointments for rashes and skin care were also supplied by IMA for our overseas medical mission project. Our vice president, Mrs. Stella Jefferies, CRNP led the medical team of six local nurses and two medical officers to provide free medical care to people over four days. It was so exciting and fulfilling to treat and serve about four hundred people who were in desperate need of medical attention. They worked tirelessly accessing and treating patients. About 80% of patients seen were noted hypertensive with blood pressure readings over 200/100 mmHg/ We found that since many of the peoples had never been screened, they were unaware of their diagnosis and the risk of easily fall a victim of stroke or heart attack. To address such critical conditions, some of them were medicated with antihypertensive drugs, detained and monitored for about an hour or two, rechecked for a drop in blood pressure before being released to go home. They were instructed to follow up with a physician. Each day, the team engaged in health promotions talks with the local community about health and disease prevention.
Rev. Sophia Val-Addo led the crusade. Through preaching and teaching, she brought God’s love to the people in Liberia at a suburb in Monrovia.
Christ was exalted through her ministration on the crusade theme: “Christ the hope for development.” Expounding on the finished work of Jesus on the cross, the church was revived and individuals experienced the power of God. Souls were saved and miracle of healing took place. One of the female leaders of the church testified one of the nights: “ss the message was being preached the power of God hit me and an evil spirit went out of me.” She said several years ago, she contracted demonic infestation due to contact with a witch doctor. Medical care and several prayer lines she had joined never worked. That night was the Lord’s visitation to her through the preaching of Jesus’ victory over Satan on the Cross. Glory to God!
School Adoption
During this trip we were engaged by the local educators about the brokenness of the education system presently in place. We discovered that the current literacy rate for ages 15 years and above in the region was 47.6%, a reality that cripples the development of future leaders with the ability to impact and shape the direction of their native land. We saw the opportunity to sow into the lives of these future leaders and to direct them through connection with Christ and provision for their future. As part of our missionary endeavors to Monrovia, we adopted the Zoe Louis Preparatory school. We are committed to continued support of the local Christian leadership of the school and providing the students with school supplies, reading books and computers to help utilize their potential in life as they navigate the complex life challenges.
African Indigenous Missions Inc.
14280 Baltimore Ave. #1208
Laurel, MD 20707