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Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”  Then said I, Here I am. Send Me.

- Isaiah 6:8


Ashanti, Ghana

Spiritual mapping conducted by by the mission team and local pastors in the region revealed that the town was built on idolatry and uncleanness; as such the town was literally dirty and unclean. Idolatry and fetishism, witchcraft and demonic activities had dominated the place, resulting in demonization, persistent sickness and death of unknown causes and extreme poverty.


The Lord sent us to Kwamang between September and October 2013. AIM teamed up with the local pastors and the churches for a “KWAMANG ALL BELIEVERS CRUSADE” for the cause of Christ. We opened a three day medical clinic, where we provided free medical care and food for about nine hundred people. A five day open air crusade proceeded, where we openly preached and taught the good news of the Gospel.  We engaged the local  pastors, church leaders, and community leaders to partake in a Cleanup Campaign, where men and women,  old and new believers,  took to weeding, cleaning gutters, cutting grass, and sweeping in attempt to physically clean up the town. It was an exciting exercise that touched the natives of the land especially the leaders. On one of the Sundays, all believers dressed uniformly in T-shirts boldly inscribed front and back ‘Jesus is Lord’ and ‘God loves you.’ We all carried billboards with several inscriptions to exalt Christ as Lord and Savior for all. We marched throughout the town praying, singing and dancing. We also prayed confessed the sins of the land, pleading God’s favor, mercies, blessing, healing and restoration on the land.


The town was shaken and great awareness of the worship of the true and only God consumed the churches and the whole town. Several souls were saved and many experienced physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. With several manifestations, we witnessed peopled completely delivered from demonic grips.

Amongst the great acts of God in the town was the conversion of a fetish priestess. She surrendered her talismans, juju, and witchcraft pots to be burnt and requested shaving off her dreadlocks, which was said to carry magic powers. The Lord is still at work in Kwamang. Frequent death as results of curses is no more. The Lord Jesus reigns on the land.

In the same way, there is more joy in heaven

over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over nainety-nine others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!

- Luke 15:7


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African Indigenous Missions Inc. 

14280 Baltimore Ave. #1208

Laurel, MD 20707



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